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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 60 Card 2

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 60 CARD 2.tif BLOCK 60 CARD #2-!IED request of WILLIAM DONALD CRIE to establish a commercial parking lot ('l permitted by Conditional Use Permit only at the 700 block of San Fer-. side of street, between Mission Blvd & Strand Way, Zone VC-S. C-18656 12/14/84 ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------iD request of 2990 HOMEOWNER'S ASSOC. for reconstruction of existing com-:ial bldg (1) containing 9 units where max. 4 units are permitted; (2) om,erv,rrg au- rrrterior side yd where 5' is reqd; (3) observing 811 setback on San Fernando Place where 15' is required and not sloping back at a 45% angle for the portion of the bldg over 20 1 (4) with no break in the facade which is reqd for bldgs wider than 30 1 (5) providing 9 off-street parking spaces where 24 are reqd. (6) to maintain 43 1 811 in height where 30' is the max. permitted; {7) mai.,tain floor area ratio of 2.57 where 1.25 is permitted; (8) providing 120 sq. ft. of landscaping where 10% of the total lot area is reqd to be land-: scaped adjacent to Mission Blvd. & San Fernando Place; and (9) provide no trash enclosure where 32 sq ft, is reqd. at 2990 Mission Blvd, Zone VC-S(MBPD). C-18941 9/20/85