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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 8 Card 2 Lot A

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 8 CARD 2 LOT A.tif:~:~~ ~~~~t:::D ~o Arnold ~~~~~:r~ Fairbank to!~!;? w/walking deck frnt exist.sngl.fam.resi.;patio to obs 0 1SB on Ocean Front Walk where 10 15B estab.,&no structures estab.SB, at 2663 Ocean FrontWalk,SE cor.Asbury Crt.& ~an Front Walk, Zone R-2. Case No. 6523 6-18-64 Lot k- Permit to Marion Morgan Olverson to erect 6 1 high fence encroaching 10 1 into eat 10 1 SB on Ocean Front Walk where max j I high fence is perm, at 2621 & 262.;) Ocean Front \lalk, betw As bury. Ct. & Anacapa Ct., Zone R-2.,.,; Case No. 7789 (N.H.) 6-1-66.t~-------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------- Lot K- The Z.A. considered the app of Mrs. Marion Morgan Olverson to const second story walking deck addn to front of exist two-story duplex, addn to encroach 10' into est 10' SB on 8cean Front Walk addn to result in approx ~.5% coverage where approx 43% coverage is e exist and 40% coverage is perm, at 2621 and 262) Ocean Front Walk betw Asbury Ct. & Anacapa <::t. Zone R-2, and has DENIED the addn encroaching 101 into est 101 SB, but GRANTED encroach- ment of 3', cond'l. Case Nos. 7795 & 7796 8-5-66-------------------------------------------------------------------Lot N- Permit to Thomas & Julia Lutes to constr a 2nd story add to exist duplex which is presently rlon-conforming as to yard & coverage (4' front yd on Strand Way & 52.~ coverage) add also to obs 4' front yd on Strand Way where 15' is req, 8 16 11 setabck on Ocean Front Wk where 10' is established and resulting in 59.~ wnere 4o1, is perm at 2609 Ocean Front Wall: betw Asbury Court & end of st. Zone R-2, Cond'l. ~ "Q_,.,,,-.?1 Case No. 10244 12-29-70