Mission Beach Block 97 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 97 CARD 1.tif ';,",r ~-;,-;_~---':-,-, ~,r,;, r MISSION BEACH BLOCK 97 CARD#l Lots A & B- 2 story duplex 12' from P,L, on Island Ct., granted to R. Victor Vanberg Res.#67630 5-24-38 Ord.#1186 NS suspended to allow moving a duplex to within 3' of the P.L. on Bayside Walk granted R. Victor Vanberg Res.#69323 5-16-39 Lots P & Q- Permit to Jessie F. LaRochelle to const 3 unit apt over stores at NE cor of Ventura Pl. & Bayside Ln. with a 6 1 access ct at rear of the apt serving 2 existing I iv units on the rear of the lots. Res.#3212 6-16-48 Lots P & Q- Cond'l permit to Mrs. J.M.F. LaRochelle to const 3 unit apt over a store with I unit to be served by 41 access ct, 838 Ventura Pl. Res.#3535 11-3-48 Lot S- Cond'l permit to Hugh T. & Elma V. Buchanan to erect 3 unit apt bldg with 7' access for 2 units N. side Ventura Blvd. Res.#6175 2-6-52 Lot T- Cond' 1 permit to Anthony Matovich, owner & Knut L. Li tell, lessee to oper fix- it shop & hobby shop, inc. light mfg., 832 Ventura Blvd. Res.#6158 2-6-52 Lot S- Amend Res.#6175 for Hugh T. & Elma V. Buchanan to erect 3 unit apt bldg with 7' access to st for 2 uni ts, lower rear unit to have 7' access to alley & 3 1 611 to st, N. side Ventura Blvd. Res.#6222 2-20-52 Lot H- Permit to Jack H. & Peggy Bone to const duplex, on Island Ct. betw Mission i/ Blvd. & Bayside Ln., cov the lot 53%, where 50"/o is perm, Zone R-4. Case#1543 11-29-57