Mission Beach Block 97 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 97 CARD 2.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 97 CARD /12 "! Lot M- Abraham Sklar, Owner, & James Wood Judge, Lessee, DENIED to constr lighted, (,, flas~ng sign 56 sq. ft. in area, on roof of bldg, extend 2' beyon~ace (4o sq ft perm). Case No~ 9-25-59 Appeal DENIED- ZA decision sustained. ll-18-59 Lot M- Permit to Abraham Sklar, Owner, & James Wood Judge, Lessee, to erect 27 sq ft:~~-::_~:~-:~~:_:~-~~~-:~:.::~_::::~-=~=~~~::~::.~~=~~!~:;~9:___ g:~=~---- Lot M- Classification of Use- 3219 Mission Blvd, Zone RC;- sel-service, coin-operated laundromat perm w/conditions. CC #155980 7-28-59 Lots O and N- Condl permit to Edgar Gregg, Dr. L. John & E. Cook, Inc,, Corp., Owners, & Standard Oil Co. of Calif., (Elmer E. Rens, property Rep.), Lessee, to erect & maintain neon lighted, dble-faced, post-lllOunted "standard" fin sign over free-standing canopy,; top of sign to be 26' hi & proj to obs O' SB on Ventura Pl where 5 ' SB is estab by Ord. 4868 H.B.; sign to advertise service station being erected on prem at NE corner Bayside Lane & Ventura Pl; Zone "c". Case No. 5358 12-13-62 AMENDED 2-14-63 ',------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots A & B- Permit to Terence & Elizabeth Reid to constr 2 bedrm, 2nd story addn to exist 2-story duplex; exist duplex & addn to obs 6 1 st side yd where 10' st side yd is req; 3220 Bayside Walk betw Island Ct & W Mission Bay Dr; Zone R-4; Condl. Case No. 7988 (H.B.) 12-21-66