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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 97 Card 3

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 97 CARD 3.tif------- --,..._...,.,--..--------~-~:~----------~-,_....----~-,,,.~'."~.::~,,,?,.,._,_~-~--- klSSlOlf BEACH BLOCK 97 CARD #3 ~ Lot E- Z.A. has considered the request of Robert Ziegler & c. Mueller, purchasers and L . & B Ground, owners for perm to const a triplex obs all yards but resulting in approx 591, coverage where 5c,f. is permitted at Island Court betw Mission Blvd & Bayside Lane, in the R-4 Zone, and has DENIED the request, as presented, but APPROVED approx 581, coverage including the improvement of vehicular access by recessing the supporting post one addn foot as per revised plans. C-10258 1-20-71 Lot "G"- Permit MARJORIE L & JERRY J. SCHWARTZ to constr 2nd story studio apt over extng garage on same lot w/extng SFD; addi to obs (I) 1.5' inter side yd where 4' is req; (2) 13.6' rear yd where 15' is req; (3) 5.6/ from extng dwell where 6 1 is req & (4) result in 54% lot cover where max 50% is perm, at 829 Island Court, R-4 Zone. C-13,942 CONDITIONS 11-16-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wts N and 0- ZA APPIDVED item #1, DENIED #2, on pennit to VINCENT M. FINNEL.LY, ClvNER DONA MARIA' s MEXICAN RFSTAURANI', to maintain an existing, one-story enclosed dining structure, 1) observing a 5"-0" yard adjacent to West Mission Bay Drive where 15'-0" is required; and 2) observing a 2'-7" yard at closest point adjacent to bayside Walk, where 10'-0" is required at 850 West Mission Bay Drive, VC-S Subdistrict. C-20285 5-25-90 5-25-90