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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 98 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 98 CARD 1.tif MISSION.BEACH I firt; BLOCK g8 Lot A- Permit denied W. Wayne & Mona. E. Prickett to constr 10' x 28' sunshade structure obs O' setback on Bayside Wa.J.k, where 10' estab; 3246 Bayside Walk, SW corner Bayside Walk & Isthmus Court; Zone R-4. Case No. 8786 8-12-68 Lot C- ZA considered appeal of John E. & Joyce Crie to constr 2nd living unit above attached garage result in approx 66~ coverage where 63i perm (C-2146) w/garage & unit addn obs 0' side yd where 3' side yd req; 3236 Bayside Walk betw Isthmus Ct & Island Ct; Zone R-4; DENIED 2nd living unit over garage as req but APPROVED over-coverage as reg_ & 2nd living unit obs all yd req. Case No. 7635 4-8-66 to1-n-~-Permit-to-Mary-jo-Hutchi~gs-(P;ggy-s~;tt:-t;> t~-~~~;t-2:;t~;;-t;,;,;;;14-;k~-;~;~es obs 5' frontyd where 15' req & elimin req landscaping on Bayside Lane where no Jess than 40% of forntyd must be landscaped., 3240 Bayside Ln, Zone R-4, cond'I C-13349 11-14-75---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot A- Permit DENIED by ZA to JOHN BOGAERT to (I) construct second-story study addition and first-floor porch addition to existing single-family dwelling on lot with one additional unit; existing dwelling now observes and additions to also observe 0 1 interior side yard where 5.4' is required; (2) construct bath and greenhouse addition to existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe 10 1 street side yard on Isthmus Court where 15 1 is required, at 3246 Bayside Wa I k, Zone RS. (MISS ION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). C-16844 8-15-80 BZA- DEN1ED THE APPEAL, UPHELD THE DECISION OF THE ZA, AND ADOPTED HIS FINDING OF FACTS, DECISION OF THE ZA 18 SUSTAINED AND AFFIRMED, 10-22-80.