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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 99 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 99 CARD 1.tif CARD Io. l I ', Lot S- to Edgar G. Turner to bld 11' x 14' addn (obs yd req) & stairway (w/no side yd) on res at 828 Island Ct w/no side yd & 8 1 rear yd. MISSIOR BEACH BLOCK 99 Res. No. 2230 5-8-47 Lot X- Pe:onit to H.J. Hardy to constr duplex on front Por of lot, & maintain 6 1 access court for exist res at rear of lot; No side of Island Ct, E of Mission Blvd. Res. No. 2911 2-25-48 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots P & Q- Harry F. & Fern S. Perry DENIED perm to constr 3-unit ct (on ea l.ot) w/3' access ct to rear unit & to constr garage 572 sq ft in area w/1' side yd, 53' back from front PL; No side of Island Ct, Ea of Mission Blvd. Res. No. 2906 Res. No. 2905 2-25-48 Lot O- Perm to Clarence &Idama.e Bach to constr 3-unit ct w/3 access ct to rear unit & w/5' betw front duplex & open porch on rear unit; No side of Island Ct, W of Bayside Lane; providing garage at the rear of the lot, obs req side yds. Res. No. 3144 5-19-48 "- Lot X- Perm DENIED H. J. Hardy to cons tr duplex at 810 Island Ct, w /11' SB. (See Res. 90252) Res. No. 3230 6-16-48 "Lot X- H. J. Hardy granted perm to constr duplex w/11' SB; 810 Island Ct; Res. No. 90252, 7-20-48 (filed in book directly follow Res. 3230 which DENIED this req). ------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------