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Development Services

Mission Beach Map 1809 Block 242 Card 1

MISSION BEACH MAP 1809 BLOCK 242 CARD 1.tif, MISSION BU.CR BLOCK 242 Map 18o9 CA'RD #1 Lot A- Permit to Cbarles E. Harmon & W. Douglas Scbuler to const 3 story, 2 unit apt bldg (1) obs 10' front yd wllere 15' is req; (2) obs 8 rear yd wbere 10' is req (3) resulting in 61ll lot cover wnere 6~ is perm in tile 700 blk Yarmouth Ct betw Ocean Front Walk & StrandvlliY Zone R-4. C-9529 10-17-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot C ~ Permit to Carl & Margaret Hotten to const 2nd story, 22 16" x 14' bedroom & bath addn to sin fam dwell on lot; addn to obs O' rear yd where 10' is req, O' interior side yd where 3' is req & resulting in approx 7CII, coverage where 601, is permitted at 701 Yarmouth Ct., SE cor at intersection with Ocean Front Walk, Zone R-4, condl c-10019. 8-11-10 Lot F- Permit to Michael w. & Lynn M. Torbert to convert exist duplex into sin fam res with proposed enclosed stairway obs 2 16" sideyd where 3' is req; exist duplex & studio apt are non-conforming as to parking, front & rear yds at 3949-53 Ocean Front Walk, at the NE cor of intersection w/Windemere Ct, Zone R-4, condl. C-10091 NH 8-28-70