Mission Beach Map 1809,1651 Block 170 Card 1
MISSION BEACH MAP 1809,1651 BLOCK 170 CARD 1.tif BLOCK 170 Card # 2 Lot 5- Permit DENIED to John l> user, L.J. l> user, Jr. and L.J. M::> sour Trust tom:u constr. 9 1 x 20 1 p&'tlio cover for exist sin fam dwell; patio to ops 1 1 front SB at closest point on ~side Wallt where 10 1 is req, and result in 75i coverage where 50'1, is perm, at 3684 Bayside Walk betwn Bayside Ln, and Ostend Ct, Zone R-4, C-11,994 6-6-73 CS'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 4_ Dr. Robert & Mrs. Barbara deRlemer, at 3686 Bayside Walk, Zone R-S, DENIED request as submitted but APPROVED stairwell obs O' Interior sldeyd on the south and the bldg obs 3' side at the cl pt; bldg will obs 3' int sldeyd on north. Condit. c-15893 5/4/79 Lots 6 and 7, except south 12 1/2 feet- Permit DENIED by ZA to WALTER E, AND ELIZABETH C. HALL to (1) maintain a four-car garage attached to an existing single-family dwelling; garage observes a 0 1 interior side yard on the south side and a 0 1-611 interior side yard on the north side, where a 3'-9' (10% of the width) interior side yard is required on each side; and (2) to maintain a stucco wal I 9'-6" high observing a O' interior side yard on the south side and an 8 1 setback from Bayside Walk where a maximum 6 1 high wall is permitted in a 3'-9" interior side yard and a 3' high wal I is permitted in a 10 1 established setback, at 3680 Bayside Walk, Zone R-S. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). o O C-17566 3-12-82 U) '81-A- C\~~ 'D&N, E.,.D.:Oe,