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Development Services

Mission Cliff Garden (Por Of P.L 1111) Card 1

MISSION CLIFF GARDEN (POR OF P.L 1111) CARD 1.tif e Card #1 J._3' Lots 3 & 4 (por} & all 5- R-1 (Ord 12988) suspended to-allow operation of restaurant & recreational park. Permit to S.D. El R.W. Co. Res. 6071-9 9-18-33-------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------- ~Y 21' of Lot 6 & all of 7- Colldl permit to Fred M. Cox to constr 2 liv units on Adams Ave. Res. 423 10-14-43 Ely 21' of Lot 6 & all of 7- Condl permit to Fred M. Cox to constr a duplex on Adams Ave., 1712-14 witn a 4' rear yd condl Res. 781 12-7-44 Lot 71-- Dr. Harold E. Greenlee DENIED permit to erect res with 5' SB, E side of Lomitas Dr., approx 180' N of Carmelina Dr. Res. 2830 1-28-48 Lot 11- Permit to Adolph Brodman to erect gar & lndry bldg witb a 4' rear yd, at the NE cor of Park Blvd. & Adams Ave. Res. 3177 6-2-48 Lot 29- Permit to Fred & Frances L. Cox to bldg res with 81 rear yd, 1701 Mission Cliff Dr. Res. 6142 1-23-52 Lots 5-7- Permit to Fred M. & Frances L. Cox to bldg gar, 600 sq ft, no rear yd & 4' side yd, rear of 1709 Mission Cliff Dr. Res. 6143 1-23-52 Lot 29- to Fred M. & Frances L. Cox to maint res witb 22" eave proj into side yd 1701 Mission Cliff Dr. Res. 7090 1-7-53