Mission Cliffs Manor
MISSION CLIFFS MANOR.tif MISSION CLIFFS MANOR Lot 9- Permit to Kenneth E. Creel to build car p <> rt O' eideyd, 35' from front prop line, Franciscan Way. Res. 4592 4-5-50 Lot 12- Permit to T,C. & V.H. SWift, Bill Lodge, to conet addn to res with 10'3" SB (Ave. 14 1 6") 4672 Harvey Rd. Ree. 6228 2-20-52 Lots 3 & 4- Permit to R.W. Lydon to erect sin fam res, att gar with O' SB on Maryland St. & 9' SB on Franciscan Way, NW cor Maryland St. & Franciscan Way, Zone R-1. Res. '7955 12-23-53 Lot l- Permit to Arnold & Ann M, Senterfitt to conetr sin fam res & att carport to obs 6 1 SB (15' req). DENIED req O' SB for carport, north side of Vogt Pl. (Franciscan Way) R-1 zone. C-3034 1-8-60 Appeal by A.O. Niesen DENIED Z.A. dee sustained, condl ----------------------------------------------------------------- / Lot 2- Permit to Benedict L. & Eliz. N. Limoli to const sin fam res with carport & / storage space obs 6 1 SB where 15' is req on Franciscan Way, N end of Maryland St., Zone R-1, condl c-6284 2-13-64 Lot 2- FRONT AND SIDE YARD VARIANCE, Approved by DPM, RUBEN DIAZ, Owner/permitee, Request for a variance to enclose an existing carport and remodel the exterior of an existing single familt dwelling that are located in the required front and side yards. Located at 1280 Franciscan Way, R-1-40,000 zone. 98-0702 9-02-98-----