Mission Gardens Annex
MISSION GARDENS ANNEX.tif MISSION GARDENS ANNEX " Lot I- Permit to A. F. Investors to erect one IO'xl5'x30' high identification sign obs a 19' sb at 7425 Mission Gorge Road. M-lA Zone. C-15021. 4-24-78. Lot l- Permit to Princess View Assoc. (formerly}r:f. Investors), Owner; Unity-San Diego, Inc., Lessee, at 7403, Zone M-1-A, to use existing bldg for a church for a 3-year period where such use ls not permitted except by CUP. ~ndit. t ~~-cA:2...._,Q__~?._.,1, <.::,0- 's '-{(1 o-.28-- g 1)_______ C=l6096_______ 7 /13/79________ Lot 1- ZA APPROVED request of PRINCESS VIEW ASSOCIATES, Joint Venture comprised of A.F. INVESTORS and FLJB ASSOCIATES, both partnerships to constr. a 40'8" x 250' two-story storage building observing a O' interior side yard where 10% of lot width or 25' is reqd. at 7401-7405 Princess Veiw Drive, Zone M-lA with conds.--------------------------------------------------