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Development Services

Mission Heights North # 6 Map 6340

MISSION HEIGHTS NORTH # 6 MAP 6340.tif MlSSION HEIGHTS NORTH 16 Map 6340 Lot 119- Permit to Cameron Brothers Construction Co. to erect a retaining wall ranging in neight from 4' to 6'6" observing a 4 1 front yard, where maximum. 3' nign wall is permitted in required 15' front yard, at 2128 Hanford Drive between Bookham Ct. & Gatesnead St., in the R-1-5 zone, condl C-9613 N.H. 11-18-69 Lot 141- Permit to Cameron Brothers Construction Co. to erect a retaining wall ranging in height from 2 '8" to 5 '4" observing O' front yard, where maximum 3' nigh wall is permitted in required 15' front yard at 2128 Judson Street between Hanford Dr. & Gates- head St., in the R-1-5 Zone, condl C-9614 N.H. 11-18-69 Lot 146- Permit-to Alfeo D & Purificacion Llbiran to erect 13' x 28 1 famrm addn to exist sinf fam res; addn to obs 15' rearyd where 20' req, 2054 Judson St, Zone R-1-5 DENIED as requested but APPROVED 16' rearyd. C-12177 APPEALED to BZA- appeal DENIED & dee Ass't Z.A. sustained and affiraed 9-10-73 11-8-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 138- AGREEMENT with Cecelia Abelon to construct a two story addition to an existing SFD which will contain a bedroom on first floor and a master bedroom with full bath on 2nd floor, located at 7505 Gateshead St, in the Rl-5000 zone. A-4495 12-19-89