Mission Hills Block 15 Card 1
MISSION HILLS BLOCK 15 CARD 1.tif MISSION HILLS BLOCK 15 ((f~--$.-);\ Card Ill Lot 23- Permit to Robert H. Ridn.our to constr res & att to exist 4-car garage, convert por of garage to por of res, garage having O' side yd & 1~' rear yd (4' & 2~. req); 189() Sheridan Ave; Zone R-1. Case No. 455 5-f4-56 Lot 21- Fermi t to Kenneth J. & Mary S. Mumby to cons tr 335 sq ft patio,:w/bath & dress rm encl on 3 sides, 7!' rear yd & 19" side yd (4' req); 1876 Sheridan Ave; Zone R-1; Condl. Case No. 3271 4-15-6o------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 18- Agreemerit to Tim & Kathy Ohara to construct den with 3/4 bath and outside access as addition to existing single-family dwelling, at 1852 Sheridan Avenue, Zone Rl-5000, Map No. 1115. Agreement #3484 10/2/85 Lt 8- ZA DENIED request of IVAN MARAS for property at 1845 Sunset Blvd. C-19352 10/17/86-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 11-Zoning Admin. considered the request ofJAMES E. & JANIS A. BELTS, to.construct 9uest quarters where such use is permitted by Conditional Use, Permit ~nly at 1821 Sunset Blvd., Rl~SOOO zone; and DENIED as requested, but APPROVED subj. to cone;. C-19718 9/4/87-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i