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Development Services

Mission Hills Block 17

MISSION HILLS BLOCK 17.tif M!SSION HILLS BLOCK 17:f!70' of Lot 5- Permit to Monty Garfield to erect & oper an addn to res, rear yd 2'4" cover 46~, 3860 Pringle St. Res. 69089 3-28-39 Lot l- Permit DENIED to Henry Knox, suspension of Ord. 9225 to allow a service station in Zone B, 1815 w. Washington St. 8-4-30 Lot l- Permit DENIED to F.A. Watson to build 2 houses on lot in Zone A. 9-3-29 E70' of Lot 5- Permit to Jimmie J. & Virginia Phillips to add basement recreation rm under exist sin fam res wnicn covers 521, of lot (4o;, perm) & obs 2'4" rear yd (20' req) and 3' side yd (5' req) 3860 Pringle St., Zone R-1, condl C-21;> 75 7-29-59