Mission Hills Block 6 Card 2
MISSION HILLS BLOCK 6 CARD 2.tif MISSION HILLS BLOCK 6 ((f S- S- ';' CARD 112 Lot 22- ZA DENIED ill, PARTIALLY DENIED 112 but APPROVED.61%; APPROVED f/3; DENIED ti's 4-6; MODIFIED ti's 7-9 request of JON M. WAINWRIGHT to maintain, currently in violation, (1) a second-story addition to a one-story, single-family dwelling w/ a maximum height of 37 1-1011 (building height is 32'-0", second-story chimney is 37 1-10", first-story chimney is 33 1-4 11) where a maximum height of 30'-0" is permitted, and chimneys are not permitted to exceed 12 sq. ft. above the geight limit; (2) addition resulting in Floor Area Ratio of.69 where,60 is max. permitted; (3) 6 1-11" street, side yard where 10 1-0" is required; (existing house observE a 9'-0" street, side yard); (4) a 2'-8" rear yard where 4'-0" is required; (5) max. 13'-0" bigh columns for proposed covered patio observing a 11-0" street, side yard where 10'-0" is required; (6) said columns located in the driveway visibility area where a max. height of 31-0" is permitted; (7) maximum8'-6" high combination retaining wall/open fence within the 15'-0" front yard where 9'-0" is the maximum height permitted provided that no single plane exceeds 6'-0" in height & horizontal separations are provided in compliance w/ design criteril (8) max. 8'-6" high combination retaining wall/open fence within the 10 1-0" street, side yard where 9 1-011 is the max. height permitted provided that no single plane exceeds 6'-0" in height and horizontal separations are provided in compliance w/ design criteria; and (9) 8'-6" high combination retaining wall/open fence located within the corner visibility area where a max- imum height of 3'-0" is permitted at 2160 Hickory Street, Rl-5000 Zone. C-20792 9/13/91 BZA- SUSTAINED ZA ruling above on 12/12/91 CITY COUNCIL partially grants appeal of the Uptown Community Planning Group and DENIES ti's 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6; APPROVES 113; MODIFIES ti's 7, 8 & 9, to approve a max 6'-0" high fence on the property line. The wall portion of same fence may be maintained but the open portion be reduced to a max, 61-0" as measured from the losest elevation on the property. Conditions. Reso. fl R-279374 2/4/92