Mission Hills Block 7 Card 1
MISSION HILLS BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif MlSSIOJf HILLS BLOCK 7.,o CARD #1 N73.49' of Lot l- Setback suspended to Ella E. Coss art. Res. 4 7497 ""It""- Build a res to front lines on Witherby & Ingleside Sta, Coaaairt.- Build a res, SB 13'5" on Witberby St.- Build a res,SB 15, on Witherby St. Granted extension of 90 days time Res. 51624 Res. 59165 Res. 64690 Res. 65049 10-8-28 to Ella E. 9-30-29 10-28-32 7-21-36 10-20-36 173.49' of Lot 1- Permit to Horace L. Upp, res, gar 15' from p.1. on Witberby St. Res. 66355 8-10-37 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Nellie Quirk Kline to erect 6' hi wall, an ornamental gate 10' Pergola 9' hi at Sunset Blvd. & Ingleside. Res. 69650 7-18-39 sw Lot 8- Permit DENIED to Jeanette E. Daley for the operation of a boarding & lodging house. Res. 76493 3-24-42 Lot 4- Permit to B. Cuchna to constr a 7' x ll' addn to a res which has a 34" sideyd, addn to obs the req sideyd, 4267 Witherby. Res. 2709 12-3-47 Lots 1 & 2- Permit DENIED to J.D. & Hazel Taylor to const sin fam res on por of lots, 1st lot Sly of 4295 Witherby. Res. 7237 3-18-53 L~t!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 & 2- J.D. Taylor appealed z.c. dee but was DEJfIED & z.c. des sustained. cc 111721 4-23-53