Mission Hills Block 7 Card 2
MISSION HILLS BLOCK 7 CARD 2.tif MlSSlORHlLLS BLOCK 7_.,, Por Lots l0 & ll- Permit to Verdell& Mary Flaherty to constr a deck alld stair addn to exist sin fam dwe).l; exist dwell obs a 7' front yd on Witb.erby and a 15'9" rear yd and addn will obs a 2' front yd on Wi tb.erby alld a 12' rear yd wb.ere a 15' front yd alld a 20' rear yd 1a req; at 2150 Sunset Blvd, betw Witherby St and Ingleside Ave. Zone R-1~5~ C-lo87l 11-11-71 Lots 10 and 11, Fence Variance was approved by SCA, MAUREEN FEARY AND WAYNE BRUBAKER, OWNERS sought to construct a maximum 6 1-611 high combination retaining wall and masonry wall with a wrought iron gate within the street side yard along Witherby Street and within the driveway visibi];i.tyarea where said wall and fence do not comply with design guidelines; 2) construct a maximum 6'-6" high retaining wall and masonry wall above within the front yard on Sunset Boulevard to include a wrought iron gate where such wall and fence do not comply with design guidelines; and 3) permit the combination retaining wall and masonry wall at a maximum height of 5'-6" per plan within the corner visibility area of the intersection of Witherby Street and Sunset Boulevard where a maximum wall/ fence height permitted is 3'-0" at 2150 Sunset Boulevard, Rl-5000 Zone. 99-0192 5-14-99--------------------------------------------------------