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Development Services

Mission Hills Tract #3 Card 1

MISSION HILLS TRACT #3 CARD 1.tif MISSION HILLS #3- ':ft. J Lot N- Permit DENIED to Gretchen Bennett, suspension of R-1 to allow an apt, above a gar. 11.-19-31 Lot O- Permit to Eugene T. & Barbara A. Ageno DENIED to convert exist covered porch to bedrm & stoop, adding 4 1 to front of exist house; conversion & addn projecting 4 1 into req 24' SB on Pine st. at 2285 Pine St., R-1 zone. C-3330 4-28-60 Lo~ B exc NW20' & Lot c, ec sw4o- Permit to James G. & Leta M. Harris to const 4' addn to gar, const bedrm addn above dwelling & enclose porch at front on parcel split prior to 12-5-54 exist dwell obs 2' side yd (4' req) addns to obs all yd req, 2276 Ft. Stockton Dr. R-1 (DENIED req to enclose porch at front) but granted the rest. c-411+4 & 4193 6-16-61 SE85.46' of Lots Y & Z- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Alessio to constr suana batn addn to sin fam dwell w/detacned oversized gar obs O' distance from p.l. where 20' rear & 5' side yds are req on SE85.46' of Lots Y & Z at 2205 Pine St., Zone R-1 condl c-6136 11-18-63