Mission Hils Villa Lots Card 10b
MISSION HILS VILLA LOTS CARD 10B.tif M rss I ON HILLS VILLA LOTS ).l CARD #10 Villa Lot 9- AGREEMENT with Steve and Teresa Skwarlo to construct a deck addition to existing single-family dwelling creating outside access to existing bedrooms at 2140 Pine Street, Zone Rl-5000 & Rl-40000 Agree. #3537 8/25/86---------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------- Villa Lat 83 (portions of) case tabled HR/REPOZ Petmit required 1855 Lyndon Rd.Request was for overheight walls/fences, overheight 1/20/88 structure, and reduced yards. c.,- I 4 'b 3'6 Villa Lat 83- PLANNING DIREx::TOR GRANTED a Hillside Review Pennit to THCMAS R. & MAXIME s. TURNER to construct a single-family residence, including bvo garages, with asscx::iated landscaping, on property located in the Uptown Carmunity Plan area, Map 1115, Rl-5000 zone. HR/RPOZ #88-0135 5-13-88