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Mission Hils Villa Lots Card 6

MISSION HILS VILLA LOTS CARD 6.tif MlSSION ltll.I.S VlLLA LOT I' Card #6 Wly por Lot 100, Par 1 of R/S 6032 V.L.- Permit to Chester & Jo Ann Hayward to const sin fam res obs 20' rear yd where 25' is req at 1840 Neale St. at Mission Hills Blvd., Zone R-1. C-5525 2-26-63 Lot 7- AGREEMENT to Ruth C. Fessler, proposed own of Trust Deed to con to use exist guest house separately from tne main dwelling, A-982 4-18-58 Lot 19- AGREEMENT to Avin L, & Helen Cary to maint tne continued use of 3 apts at 4282 Sierra Vista, Zone R-1. A-780 1-20-53 Lot 21- AGREEJIENT to Thomas H. Major to const a duplex. A-240 8-11-43 'Lot 102- Permit to Ronald J. & Barbara A. Woerner to demolish exist gar which obs O' front & O' side yd & replace with new gar also obs 0' front yd & 0' side yd where min 15' front yd & 4 1 side yd are req (exist gar perm by Res. 60649) at 3861 Pringle St., betw Sutter St. & Pringle St., zone R-1-5, condl 10-19-67------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 10 & por dwell obs 7' & Allen Rd., lot 11- Appl submitted by Raymond J. & Grace E. Flanders to const sin fam front yd wnere 15 1 is req in the 2000 blk of Ft. Stockton Dr. betw Pine St. Zone R-1-5- WITHDRAWN- TABLED C-9226 4-17-69