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Development Services

Mission Hils Villa Lots Card 9

MISSION HILS VILLA LOTS CARD 9.tif MISSION HILLS+ VILLA LOTS CARD# 9 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Gerald & Dee Anne Aboud to (1) construct S' x 17' extension to existing dining-room of single family dwelling,which now obs 12' front yard; addn to obs 11' front yard where 15' is req; (2) provide one parking spacegfor garage conversion to storage room; space to obs 13' front yard where parking is req to obs 15', 2138 Pine Street, north of Fort Stockton Drive, Zone R-1-5 (LC #52)- Cond'l. C-12,512 4-9-74 Center 90' por of V.L. 103- Permit t- Larry G. Bingeman to constr two batll and su.ndeck addition with bar sink in exist recreation room on lower levei at 3873 Pringle St. Zone R-1-5. AGREE,fr2o41 3-20-75 "i.7'1:-3s-:-P~-;.~i1:-oENiiii-~~--r~~~;~~t~-;1b~t-APPRov-Eo-pi~-;,;--;1io~-i-;;g-i;-side-v~-rd-a1:-i:1ie________ closest point and a 21 611 front yard on the northwest corner, and 6 1 front yard at the southwest corner, at 4375 Hermosa Way, Zone R-1-5 & R-1-40. Condition. Applicant: T. Michael & Sheridan REED. CASE 16306 1-9-80 Portion of Lot 86- ZA APPROVED request of ALLEN & GRACE H. VAN NORMAN to constr. a 484 sq. ft. parking deck & entryway stairs within the front yard setback where parking nor structures more than 3' in h7ig~t are perm~tte~ within the required front yard (the park-ing deck to be constructed w1th1n the pub! 1c right-of-way) at 4047 Bay Vie~ Court, zone Rl-5000 with conds. C-19226 6/13/86