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Development Services

Mission Valley Professional Center(See Sentinel Center)

MISSION VALLEY PROFESSIONAL CENTER(SEE SENTINEL CENTER).tif MISSION VAL!Ef PROFESSIONAL CEN'l'ER. (See Sentinel Center) ~0 <1,-> Lot 3- Permit to Jonathon Manor, Inc. to const office & specialty commercial bldg on par furnishing ratio of usable parking area to building area of 1.85 sq ft parking for each 1 sq f~ bldg., wnere 3 sq ft parking for eacn 1 sq ft of bldg area is req, on Camino Del Rio betw Camino Del Este & Sandrock Rd., Zone C-lA. 6 mos ext to exp 3-2-65 C-6304 3-9-64 V Par "A"- Permit to Sentinel Savings & Loan Assoc to maint auto parking lot in tne R-1-40 zone used in connec witn commercial usage on Lots 1-4, Sentinel Center, in tne C-lA zone where parking is perm only as accessory to R-1-40 usage, at 1904 Camino del Rio, at tne NE cor of Camino del Este & Camino de la Reina in the R-1-40 zone, condl SEE AGREEMENT #1201 10-29-62 C-6945 2-8-65 Por of P.L. 1108 and Parcel A- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Special Permit to SAN DIEGO BOND- M.B.M. ASSOCIATES, LTD. to construct a Special Permit residential development located on the north side of Camino de la Reina, between Camino de Este and Stadium Way within the tlission Valley Community Plan Area and within the FSRDRIP Specific Plan area, in CA and FW zones. SP #88-0501 7-1-88