Mission Valley Shopping Center Card 1
MISSION VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER CARD 1.tif '.,,,,.c'?c." """"~---~~--,-,.--,,-~----,--~~--....--:::....-l"--"';;';-----~',;'"...-----,0--- -~~--~--,.;;__ f..: r MISSION VALLEY SHOPPING CE.'NTER. '-(~ \.(" S... (0 Ca rd II I t\ot l(por.-)Permit-toUnion-_:Titleins-&-TrCo-(Tr_BR_f5310)Trustee, &~W_&__.,,_ ChaxlotttJ-D-.itt:11.-er-,et-al-, owners,--&: Courtes7-t1hevrolet-een~fR. Mitchel-- McClure_ /J,;__J_~-~-.Q_Q.t;_e 1_J_x-_)1,~..~_e_e_, to 1,1~llJ_ze_ J__!!,CY.!I_ P.8=!'_ce!__f or dead storage of autos & trucks for dealer adj in c-lA zone,area to be paved & renced,1230 Camino-cter-Rro-,-oondl-. ----- - ----ease 4:154------ ---------6--ih-6--------. I---------------------------------------- Lot 3-;--Perrrilt--to-Mfssron Valley Partnership;-a Tim.Ited Pa.rbiership-~-owner-- & MontgomePy VS.Pd,-lessee,- too enst-8 1 f'ree standing w8l l su-rroundng- as~d tire stor area, 5065 Mission Center Rd, NE oor Camino del Rio C-lA-----------..-. -.. Case 42-61-.........-. 6:.;26~61------ p~-iot1;Pe~i.t t~Mis~l~n- Vailey P;rtnership~OWl er,&-unfon-o1r eoot cra11r;----1:nsee, to reduce req 10 1 planting strip on land abutting 0-amino Colondrina-___ a prop.oaed stre..et,. to 4-rt.on Misslon Center!id,SW corner_of I'-----~--__ Zone C-lA. N.H. CASE #4375 8-25-61 ------------,___- --------- ---------------... -----.--"------- -....------..----;_------------------------------..----~___p_or_..L.o.t_--5--~_l'erm.it_ t_o Mission Valley Part,-.eranip,._ owner. & Union Oil._C.o.___ o.i' Calif., lessee, to reduce t,1e req 10 1 planting strip on lar:d abutting---- Mission Ceri.te:r Road to 5t-6" where 101 is r-eq (C-4.375} on Leased p-or, at-~--50.5GMission Center Rd,,.._SW oor Ca.mlno_Golondrina, Zone C-lA.._____ Case No. 5796 6-21-63-------~-~-------__,;----------...------;_..;,;-----.,,,_...._--------------------.... -----------------------------