Mission Valley Shopping Center Card 2
MISSION VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER CARD 2.tif i. MISSION VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER cARDt, 2. 'I vLot 5 (Leased Portion)- Permit to Mission Valley Partnership, owner & Courtesy Chevrolet Center, lessee, to const service center building for new automobiles approx. 7 1 from North p.l. maintaining 71 landscape strip adj to future street reservation where 101 is required (See C-4154), at 750 Camino Del Rio, Zone C-lA. Case No. 6518 5-22-64 Por-:Cot-f-:p;rmit--to-rf.-rowne_i_andFo-rd--Leasing-Deveiop:--co.;-iessee-toutillzeapprox-- 100, ooo sq ft for dead storage of autos, trucks, customer & employee prkg in connection with dealer in adjoining C-lA Zone; area to be paved, fenced & lighted. Property would be made available to lessee under 5 year lease at 750 Camino de la Reina, north of Camino del Arroya, Zon_v.,-1-40 condl- C-9024 1-2-69 EXTENSION OF TI ME EXP I RES t#,ef:Zw-,,2~ 1.;z-31-z,e /J:12- z:t)i-k18d4s:n IA" 12./31 l&~('l../i3/1'ij 12-31-88 (6-8-83) Lot 1 (portion)- Permit to Courtesy Cbav., lessee & Union Title trustee & Charlotte D. Mil.Br owner to maintain outdoor storage area for new, unregistered motor vehicles in connection wit} Courtesy Chev. Auto. Dealership located immediately adjacent to the south- at 1230 Camino del Rio bet,, U. S. 295 and Hission Valley '-'hopping Center, tonr R-1-40 condl ~ Case No. 9081 2-13-69 Lot 3- Permit to ssion Valley Partnership to erect retaining walls ranging in height from 01 to 171 obs all yard requirements where max 101 high retaining walls are perm (approx llO' of wall is higher than 10), at 1640 Camino del Rio North betwn Mission Center Rd. and Camin del Este, Zone CA- Cond 11. C-12,367 N.H. 11-29-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------