Mission Valley Shopping Center Card 3
MISSION VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER CARD 3.tif MISSION VAILE':[SHOPPING CENTER.,,.. CARD #3 Lots 3 and 4 and Dot 8, Mission Valley Shopping Center lf2- Permit DENIED to Mission Valley Partnership to erect a double-faced, 20' x 50' ground sign, illuminated letters on pre-fab concrete wall, overall ht 50 1, advertising shopping center where a max 25 sq. ft. in area & max 30' in ht is perm when thereare two other ground signs on premises, road is leas than 6o 1 in width and speed limit is 25- 30 M.P.H., at 1600 Block Camino Del Rio North betw Miss ion Center Rd and camino del Este Zone CA. 12935 l-8- 75 Appealed to BZA- Appeal DENIED- 3-24-75 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 5- Permit to Mission Valley Ptnshp, Owner & Mc Donald's, Lessee, (I) to const two (2) 36 sq. ft. wal 1 signs attched to mansard roof, proj 36" from face of bldg where max proj perm 18" and (2) constr 315 sq. ft. ground sign; O)Jeral 1:ht-'SO' where 100 sq. ft. max area perm; cabinet size 7'2" x 20' logo arch on top 12'6" x 17'; at 825 Camino de la Reina, Zone CA- (I) APPROVED (2) DENIED C-13,213 8-22-75 Por Lot 5- Permit to Mann Theaters Corp. of Ca. to constr 300 sear addn to exist 922 seat theater and to el.im l.2 exist park spaces resulting in a tot of 959 park spaces where ll.65 are required (1 space for each 3 fixed seats) TABLED C-131'79 5-27-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 3- Permit to Mission Valley Partnership to erect an addnl 54 sq. ft. of ilium sign to exs 210 sq. ft. illuminated ground sign. 1640 Camino Del Rio North. Zone CA. Permit DENIED. C-15198. 7-10-78,