Mission Viillage # 4 Card 1
MISSION VIILLAGE # 4 CARD 1.tif MISSION VILLAGE NO. 4 lo Card No. l Lots 44o thru 446- Pennit to American Housing Guild Sales Corp. to use 7 res as model homes, ea w/2' x 3' sign; the garage on Lot 443 to be used as sales office w/2-faced 4' x 8 1 free-standing sign; all signs obs setback; for l yr; 3125- 3211 Mission Village Dr; Zone R-1. Case No. 1519 11-22-57 (4 mos. ext. 11-19-58) Lots 323 & 447- Permit to Middlebury Enterprises to constr 4' x 8 1 sign on Lot 323; exist 20' x 12' sign to be removed w/in 10 days; & to maintain 20' x 12' billboard sign on Lot 447; for period of 1 yr expiring l-8-6o; So of Gra.mmercy Dr, Zone R-2 & NE of Mission Village Dr, Zone R-P. Case No. 2220 1-8-59------~----------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 322A- Permit to Mission Village Center to landscape 5' strip private property & 5' public property; NW corner Gramercy Dr & Ruffin Rd; Zone C-lA; Condl. Case No. 2721 8-7-59