Mission Viillage # 4 Card 2
MISSION VIILLAGE # 4 CARD 2.tif MISSION VILLAGE NO. 4 \\ Card No. 2 Lot 325- American Housing Guild Sales Corp., Owner, & Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Western Operation Inc., Lessee, to erect 25' hi, 2-pole mounted, dble-faced lited sign, 3' x 5'1 11; ea face project 5' over public property & 5' hi 3' wide poster board; sign to be back of setback area (denied O' setback for 5' hi poster board) 2 floodlite poles, approx 25' hi, obs 2' setback & 1- 10' setback on Mission Village Dr; SW corner Ruffin Rd & Mission Village Dr; Zone C-lA. Case No. 344o 7-l-6o------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 464- Marion L. & Jean M. Lupton DENIED to constr den & living rm addn to exist single fam res; addn to obs 10' rear yd (20' req); 9341 Fermi Ave, Zone R-1. Case No. 3743 12-23-60 Lot 418- Permit to Norman & Hazel K. Worley to reduce exist 39f' hi solid wood fence to 3611 & maintain this fence on top of retain wall ranging from 47" to 55" hi, ma.x overall 91" hi, obs O' setback (12' setback req); on Fermi Ave & Forrester Ct, SEly corner, Zone R-1; Condl. (N.H.) Case No. 3925 3-3-61