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Development Services

Mission Viillage # 8

MISSION VIILLAGE # 8.tif MISSION VILLA.GE No. 8 Lot 781- Permit DENIED to John M. Geary to maintain patio observing 6'8" SB on Irvington Ave. (10' req.) at 2795 Melbourne Dr., R-1 C-2076 10-3-58------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 758 to 764, Permit to American Housing Guild Sales Corp. to const sin fam residence & gar. on each lot & use as model homes, with sales offices in gar on Lots 761, 762; with 31 x 51 sign design, each sales off, & 2 1 x 31 sign design, each model, 2816 thru 2906 Mission Village Dr, Zone R-1, denied size of eaJ> h sign & limit to 18" x 24", to expire 11-24-59. Case 2132 11-24-58 v--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 74.3- Permit to.. Bobt. & Lucille Hall to const fam. rm addn to rear of exist sing taa res; addn to obs 16 1 rear yd where 2D 1 is req, at 2975 Mission Village Dr., betw Fullerton Ave. & Irvington Ave., Zone R-l-5. Case No. 8850 N.H. 8-27-68----------------------------------------------------------------Lot 757- Permit DENIED to M.C. & Aurora Sarmeinto to constr 19'6" x 29' fam rm & bedrm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 8' SB on Irvington Ave where 10' is estab & 16 1 rear yd where 20' is req at 2806 M.ssion Village Dr betw Irvington Avenue & Fuller- ton Ave., Zone R-1-5, C-10188 NH 11-10-70 Lot 782- ZA APPROVED request of CHARLES & MARY CARPTENTER to construct 20' of 5 1 6 11 high sol id fence & gate comb i nat ion in the 10 1 es tab 1 i shed setback where the maxi mum height permitted is 3' at 2794 Melbourne Drive, Zone Rl-5000 with conds. C-19366 11/13/86