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Development Services

Mission Viillage Annex #19 Card 2

MISSION VIILLAGE ANNEX #19 CARD 2.tif IU..;);;,.&.Vft UH NIA U.IIJ._l_.IIVg.L?--- '1 ~_ ~ {..-rrf.C Lot 1782- case Ho. 8536 APPEALED and granted ~ ~e ~=ciaion of~~~ s 1110dified, and appel lants' appeal ia in part sustained and that permission is granted to COll8t a 6 high solid wood!ence obs a 9 1 dist from the side st prop line adj to Wood.view Pl. extending fran the rear prop line to the 12 1 SB line estab adj to Lockwood Dr., tlMln returning S1ly back o.1' the 121 SB line with no part of the fence to ~ed 3' in height in the 121 SB area adj to Lock- wood Dr. Case No. 85J6 4-5-68-----------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1782- Cue No. 8536 APPEAI.ED and GRANTED in part and the decision ot Board ot Zcm1ng Appeal.a is modified to canst 61 high solid wood t'ence obs 71 611 dist from the side at prop line adj to Woodview Pl. extendins from the rear prop liJle to the 121 SB line estab adj to Lodkwood Dr., then returning S'ly back of the 12 1 SB line with no part of the tenoe to exceed.3' in height in the 121 SB area adj to Lockwood Dr.- CC Res. No. 19.3551 filed 6-7..68. Case No. 8536 6-7-68-------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1773- Permit to Doyle L. & Nina P. Bowman to erect approx 100' of 4' hi retain wall obs O' SB where max 3' wall is perm in estab 12' SB at 3305 Lockwood Dr betw Woodview Pl & Rugby Ct., Zone R-1-5, C-9919 NH 6-1-70 Lot 1790, Mission Village Unite No. 19, Map 4294: ZA denied request for varlance------- to maintain an enclosed pation addition to q single-family dwelling at 3350 Dorchester Dr. Zone Rl-5000. C-19653 7-10-87