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Mission Viillage Annex #3

MISSION VIILLAGE ANNEX #3.tif MISSION VILLAGE ANNEX #3 Lot 33- Permit to John E. & Norma McKee to constr 7' hi along Por of Sly Lot line; wall to be 7' above average adj wall a max 6 1 in ht is perm; 2626 Mobley St, Zone R-1. by 20' long concrete blk wall ground level where fence or Case 48o4-A 4-11-62 Lot 33- TABLED- Permit to John E. and Norma McKee to constr patio open on 1 side & por of another; patio to be attach to corner of exist single fam res & obs O' side yd where 5' req; 2626 Mobley St; Zone R-1. Case No. 48o4 4-6-62 Lot 65- Permit to Tom K. & Dorothy Taylor to maintain sunshade structure attach to exist res & 5' hi redwood fence obs 8 1 setback from Mobley St where 12' setback is req & max 3' hi fence in setback is perm; Lot 65, 9011 Dolly Pl, SE corner Mobley St, Zone R-1. Case No. 5542 3-25-63 Lot 63- William & Leona Sterling to constr a rumpus Room addn with bar sink on top of exist gar attach to a one-story sin fam dwell at 2663 Mobley St. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1741 2-28-72 Lot 63- Permit DENIED to Leona and William Sterling to erect gateway in front yard; gateway to obs l' front yard and nave a height of 9' wnere max 3' nigb fence or gate is perm in 15' front yard, at 2663 Mobley St betw Larkin Pl and Winin Way. Zone R-1-5. C-11518 N.H. 9-13-72 Appealed: Appeal GRANTED and tbe decision of tne Z.A. be, and nereby is overruled, and the appellants' appeal is sustained. C-11518 11-9-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------