Mission Viillage Heights # 2
MISSION VIILLAGE HEIGHTS # 2.tif MISSION VILLAGE HEIGHTS NO. 2 Sl 3~-) Lots 81, 82, & 83- Permit to M. V. Heights Associates to erect & maintain for period not to exceed 1 yr, 1 model home on ea lot, w/1- 2' x 3' sign on ea lot, in connec w/saJ.e of homes in new subdiv, W side Ainsley Rd opposite Polizzi Pl, Zone R-1, where max 8 sq ft sign advertising prem for sale is perm; Condl. Case No. 6o37 10-11-63 Lots 110, 113, 115, 117, 121, 124 w/bar sink in family rm.- Agreement #1355 to constr 2-story, single fam res 12-21-64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 81- Agreement #1338 to Mission Village Hts Associates to constr 2-story, single fam res w/bar sink in family rm; 2083 Ainsley Rd, Zone R-1-5, 8-10-64