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Development Services

Mission Viillage West # 16

MISSION VIILLAGE WEST # 16.tif-. MISSION VILLAGE NO, 16 \l Lot 1535- Permit to Tower Assoc. to const sin fam res obs 18'3" rear yd (20' req) at 9559 Ronda Ave., R-1 zone c-2538 5-20-59 AND to const sin fam res on lot 1546, obs 10'8" SB (12' req} at 9457 Ronda Ave. C-2539 5-20-59 Lot 1526- Permit to Tower Assoc to const 6' ni fence in SB area adj future st reserv. (15' S~ req) (3' bi fence perm) SE cor Ronda & Larrabee Ave., R-1 zone, condl C-2705 7-31-59 Lot 1525- Land Conservation Permit to John Richardtron, 9596 Ronda Ave.- never Issued 138-LC 9-17-74 Lot 1507- AGREEMENT with JOSEPH L & MICHi K. ROUSSIN to construct second story addn with bedroom & full bath over garage to existing SFD at 2625 Palace Dr., Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #3156 9/5/84