Mission Viillage West # 2
MISSION VIILLAGE WEST # 2.tif ""' ' '. ' " '.. '..., MISSION VILLAGE 'WEST {jg Lot 53- Permit to Nash Assoc to erect & maint for l yr one 8 1 x 24' sin faced, ~ree- stand temp unlited sign, 8 1 above grade, advert homes for sale in this subd on Beagle St. betw Atoll St. & Beagle Pl., Zone R-1 to exp 7-20-61 C-3370 7-1-60 Lots 9-11- Permit to AHG Sales Corp to erect 3 model homes, l on each lot w/sales off in gar on Lot 10, with 4 1 x 6 1 sales off sign on Lot 10 & one 2' x 3' sign designating each model home on Beagle St. 200' west of Atoll St. betw Marlesta Dr. & Atoll St., Zone R-1, condl C-3809 NH 8-16-61 Lot 55- Permit to Nash Assoc for an exten of time to Zone C-3370 to exp 7-20-62. {Text. Lot 53, Mission Village West Subd). C-3370 8-16-61 Lot 30- Permit to Jose c. & Marjorie Acol to erect 52' of concrete block ret wall ranging in ht from 3' to 6.5 1 with a 3' high open fence on top, resulting in max height of 9.5', & three gates max ht of 5', obs O' SB in front where a max 3' high ret wall with a 3' high open fence on top is perm in a 10' estab SB, at 6929 Beagle St. Zone R-l-5. Cond'l. C-13134 N.H. 5-23-75----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 55- Permit to Alfredo A. and Julie G. Javier to constr. a l5J:x48'-6" faqi. rm. and off. addn. to exist. sin. fam. dwell., addn. to obs. 18' rear yrd. where 20' is req. at 3427 Beagle Pl. Zoned R-1-5. ~- C-13181 7-21-75-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------