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Mission Viillage West # 3 Card 1

MISSION VIILLAGE WEST # 3 CARD 1.tif,., ' ' "-,,. MISSION VILLAGE WEST #3 Card /fl Lot 83- Permit to Donald F. & Patricia A. Krebs to erect 5' hi wood fence around rear yd por across rear lot line & Ely lot line at rear to be on cut bank ranging in ht from O' to 8 1, aver ht ranging from 5' to approx 9' above aver adj ground level (6 1 perm) 7029 Hilton Pl., R-1 condl. C-4619 NH 12-11-61 Lot 93- Permit to Derwood D. & Anna to enclose rear yd with 5' hi wood fence; fence to be on 6 1 cut bank on each x side for 8 1 ht above aver adj ground level (6 1 perm) 7016 Hilton Pl., Zone R-1 condl. C04623 NH 12-11-61 Lots 128-131- Permit to AHO Sales Corp to (C-5550) m.aint for a period not to exceed l yr an exist post-mounted, unlited, dble-faced 4' x 8' directional sign advert houses for sale in Mission Village West, a new subd (Lot 131) & to (c-5604) maint for a period not to exceed 1 yr one model home w/sin-faced, post-mounted, unlited l' x 2' model id sign on each lot; sales off in gar on Lot 129; w/sin-faced, post mounted unlited 4' x 8 1 sales off sign, where sin fam dwell on lot of record at time of zoning & max 8 sq ft sign offering premises for sale are perm at Bacontree Way, at the BE co r of Auburndale St. & Bacontree Way, Zone R-1, cocldl C-5550 & 5604 5-8-63 Let 122- Z.A. considered app of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Anderson to erect 14' x 26 1 patio en- closed w/2' hi concrete blk wall & screened above wall; addn to obs 10' rear yd where 20' is req at 6969 Bacontree Way, 60 1 east of Bacontree Pl. Zone R-1 & has DENIED the req 10' rear yd but APPROVED 11' rear yd, condl c-6137 12-13-63