Mission Viillage West Annex Card 1 Lot 3
MISSION VIILLAGE WEST ANNEX CARD 1 LOT 3.tif MISSION VILLAGE WEST ANNEX AC, CARD #1 Lot 3- ZA considered the request of JEFF and BONNIE GAUL'ION to (1) construct a 4'-0" high open fence on top of a maximum 6'-0" high retaining wall to obsei:ve a 0'-0" side yard where a 15'-0" setback has been established; and, (2) approximately 70 linear feet of 4'-0" high open fence within street and driveway visibility areas where a maximum 3'-0" in height is permitted at 6265 ~ord!'lace, Rl-5000 zone; and DENIED as requested, but APPROVED in part to pennit a 4'-0''.)!1'5pen fence, as defined in Section 101.0620,B. 7. of the Municipal Code, within the required setbacks, subject to the following conditions: C-20546 7/9/90