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Development Services

Montadura Center Card 1

MONTADURA CENTER CARD 1.tif t-mTADURA CENl'ER CARD!1:> 7 , Lot 4- ZA APPROVED with conditions the CUP sought by M:NI'ADURA ASSOCIATES, Owner; DAVID W. ZANDERS, r::MV, Purchaser; to establish a veterinary hospital for small animals, in a proposed industrial building where such use is pe:anitted by Conditional Use Pennit only at 11451-11499 West Bernardo court, Zone Hillside Re- view overlay, M-IP zone. C-20447 08/24/90 Lot 4, Permission is granted to Owner/Pennittee to construct, operate and maintain four 55,000 sq. ft. office/industrial buildings located on the west side of West Bernardo court, MIP Zone. PID 90-0684 9/10/90