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Development Services

Montclair Block B

MONTCLAIR BLOCK B.tif MONTCLAIR BLOCK B t Lots 33 & 34- Permit DENIED to Mrs. Ruth V, Geer- erection of 4 houses on 2 lots at 3138 Haller St. Res. 70240 11-8-39 Wly 100' Lots 23 & 24- Permit to J.Ralph & Geraldine W. Hughes to erect 81 x 20' add to exist 18' x 20' gar, total 520 sq ft, 51611 rear yd, 3101 Vancouver. Res. 4332 12-14-49 Lots 35-36- Permit to s. N. Lohne to constr 9' x 26 1 bath and bedroom addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 5' front yard where 15 1 is req, at 3144 Haller St. betw Thorn St and Nly of Redwood St. Zone R-2. Cond'L c-12910 12-17-75-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------