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Development Services

Montclair Block E

MONTCLAIR BLOCK E.tif l M)tl'l'CtAlR BLOCK E Lots 40 & 41- Permit to Elsie L. van de Grift to const carport addn to grocery store at 3082 Nile St., R-2. C-1430 9-20-57 Lots 40 & 41- Z,A. considered tile req of Anthony & Mary Castiello to: (1) sell "offsale" wine & beer in non-conforming grocery store; (2) erect & maint one dble-faced plastic lited roof sign, 3' x 41 extending past face of bldg; sign to advertise "Royal Crown Cola"- Groceries- Beer & Wine- for non-conforming grocery store; at 3o82 Nile St. betw Redwood and Quincy Sts., & has DENIED the req to permit sale of wine & beer, DENIED the req for the sign advertising sale of wine & beer but APPROVED a similar sign advert groceries and Royal Crown Cola, Zone R-2, condl APPEALED and z.A. was overruled- GRANTED c-8352 c-83;2 10-9-67 12-4-67 Lots 21-22- Land Conservation Permit to Greengrass for house at 3000 Blk Boundary. Map 1684 l 73-LC 2-28-75-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------