Montclair Block F
MONTCLAIR BLOCK F.tif MONTCLAIR BLOCK F Lot 33- Permit to Eugene & Ruth Lamb to conduct lapidary business 5 hrs per day in exist garage; 2636 Montclair St; w/no retail sales & no adv on premises. Res. 18o8 10-10-46 Lot 46- Permit DENIED Geo. & Louise Rodgers to erect apt above garage, ma.king 3 living units on lot; 3571 Redwood St. Res. 7301 4-1-53 Illy 15' Lot 42 & All Lot 43- Permit to Bertha L. Pearce & Anges Kokanour to constr duplex or 2 single fam res. S-172 10-8-53-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 41 & Lot 42 Exe Nly 15'- Permit to Samuel A. & Irene Johnston to constr and/or main- tain duplex or 2 single fam units. S-171 10-8-53 Lot 19 & 20- AGREEMENT with CHRISTOPHER AND AMY BROTHERS to construct a one-story addition to an existing, one-story,single-family dwelling. Addition consists of master bedroom and 3/4 bath and dining room with interior access from kitchen. Addition has exterior access from dining room, master bedroom and hall, located at 3019 Nile Street, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT NO. A-5338