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Development Services

Montclair Block N

MONTCLAIR BLOCK N.tif MONTCLAIR BLOCK N Lots 9,11 & 12- Permit to L.E. Singleton to const an flddn to the front of an exist res & obs a 15' SB, 2938 Vancouver St. Res. 3380 8-25-48 Lots 9-12- Condl permit to L.E. Singleton to const add to res & obs 15' SB, 2938 Van- couver St. Res. 3970 6-29-49---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 14, exc NW'ly 60 1- Permit to Sandy & Blancae E. Fahlen to erect res facing Vancouver w/0'_SB,_ Vancouver_ &_ Tamrack.____ (r> '1.../ /;d 1_______________ Res. ~,2..3_6-24-53-------- Lots 9,11,12- Wyrick for Land Conservation Permit Approval for Garage & Driveway on tne west side of Vancouver Ave. betw Quince St. and Tamarac St. 38-LC 7-18-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Except No. 60 1 of Lot 14- Permit to Eric H. & Helen M. DRAPER APPROVED by ZA, to construct a 5' by 11 '-I" addition with fireplace to an existing family room of a single- family to observe a O' front yard on Vancouver Avenue where 15' is required, at 2902 Vancouver Avenue, Zone R-2. Condition. CASE NO, 16360 10-18-79