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Development Services

Montclair Block Q Card 1

MONTCLAIR BLOCK Q CARD 1.tif MONTcLAIR BLOCK Q CARD #1 Lot l-.Permit to L,R, & Mary E, Estep to erect res & att to exist gar at 2823 Bowditch Pl.; gar 52' from front propert~ line w/no side yd. Res. 1960 1-3-47---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 19- Permit to Alan Z. Bob.anan to constr d~plex w/5' SB on Vancouver St .NWly cor of inter. of Maple & Vancouver. Res. 8044 3-3-54----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Ivan D, Jones to extend exist porch to street, to have l' sideyd at 2681 Montclair, Bldg. Dept. req to be me. Res. 8615 11-24-54---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Lots l & 2- Permit to L.R. & Mary E, Estep, Ian & Edna M, MacDonald, & Robt. & Philippa Vizzini to div into 3 par~ maint one res on eacb. par & const 2nd res on N of lots, at cor Cooper & Bowditch Pl. Zone R-2. C-1489 11-1-57...Jr Lot 15- Agreement with Tim Johnston & Judith O'Boyle to construct a two-story additiQ!l to an existing two-story single family dwelling, containing a bedroom, 3/4 bath, storage room, and hall, with exterior access and interior access through existing kitchen, at 2619 Montclair Street, Zone: Rl-5000, Map: 1684. Agree# A-4053 07-29-88 IDt 4- PLANNING DIRECIDR GRANI'ED a Hillside Review Pennit to 2 CORPORATION ARCHITECI'S BUII.DERS, to construct a 1,857 sq.ft. single-family residence on a 12,200 sq.ft. lot, located at 2685 Montclair Street between Cooper Place and Maple Street in the Greater North Park carmunity planning area, Map 1684, Rl-40000 Zone. HR #89-0889 1-5-90