Montclair Block S Card 1
MONTCLAIR BLOCK S CARD 1.tif MONTCLAIR BLOCKS Card#- Lots 40-41- Permit to Clyde E. Brisendine to conduct Fruit and Vegetable Juice & Vegetable extraction of co-operative members of Universal Fellowship in exist bldg at 2309 Vancouver St. Res #1381 3-14-46 S Lot 31 & all Lot 32- Permit to James Scott to constr sin fam res with average SB on east side of-vancouver Ave. approx 25' S of Ke.lmia Appealed to City Council & DENIED Res #5135 cc 100487 Lots 5,6,7- Permit to Donald R. Long to constr sin fam res & gar obs 5' SB where 15' is req on E side of Vancouver Ave betw Maple & Kalmia Sts. Zone R-2. c-2323 2-20-59 Lot 36- Permit DENIED to Stanley J. & Sylvia Wheelock to complete constr of carport obs 61 SB (not 6 16" as originally req) wb.ere 15'10" aver of blk is req at 2333 Vancouver Ave. 500' S of Kalmia St. Zone R-2. Appealed to Board- DENIED- 9-8-65 Appealed to Council- DENIED 9-23-65 c-7262 8-6-65 Lot 53- Permit granted to Anthony Minniti by the Planning Director to construct a 2,267 sq. ft., 2-story, single-family dwelling at 2454 Haller St. with a setback C(front SB) from 25 1 to 15 1 & interior setback at southeasterly from 10 1 to 5 1, slopes not to exceed 2:1 grade, Rl-40,000 Zone. HR 90-0581 6/26/91