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Monte Villa Tract Block 12 Card1

MONTE VILLA TRACT BLOCK 12 CARD1.tif t-~ . BLOCI{i2' ".-"'. ~,,,~:c :.:., "-~~-~-:,~~ ~'1;:;;.--. ~ :!.'!iITT.17~\ F Lets 24 and 25, Conditional permit to James A~ Rose to build addition to an 1 exls ting residence at l066 Turquois Street which is 41" from an adjoining l residence which was a garage illegally converted into living quarters. l 5ee Att-et>. 27fes. No. 52lt- 2/10/44 . Lota.&,jl,,~.... 19, Pel'llit to to aove a one-aingle tamily,true reai lit. to 1073 BIi!ea. ~.> ot~ 18-20/!Xp&~{tit~11&~8~n-& Maxine Saith to erect above move-in house 16'. setback,1073 Agate St. Res, No, 4261 ' 112-4;9 Lot 29 & w of 28- Penait to J G Gregory to const one unit apt above 3 car gar, making 3 units, with 7' 8" access, 1046 Turquoise Res. No. 7839, 10-28-53 Lots 36 & 37, & Frac. Lot 37 & all of 38 thru 40, Blk 12, 1st Addn to Pac Bch Vista Tr~ Permit to Howard L & Melva G Chernoff, owners & Tidewater Assoc Oil Co,, pur, to const service station on NE cor Cass & Turquoise Sts,, cond'l Res, No, 8795 3~16-55 Lots 36 & 37- & ll'rac Lot 37, all of 38 thru40, Blk 12., 1st Addn to Pac Bch Vista Tr. Pemit to Howard L &Melva G Chernoff, owners & Tidewater Assoc. Oil Co., pur, to erect el,ectrolier with O' SB in R-4, on NE cor C&sa & Turquoise Sta, Res, No~ 8875 4-27-55-----------------------------------