Monte Villa Tract Block 14 Card 1
MONTE VILLA TRACT BLOCK 14 CARD 1.tif MONTE VILLA TRACT BLOCK 14 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Jack Hall- dwelling SB 4' from p.l. on Archer St. Res. 6o847 10-11-33-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------N of Lot l & N of Wly 24' of Lot 2- Permit to George & Lea Krotz to constr a 10' x 24' private gar in tile rear of the lot with no sideyd on either side of the lot at 5279 Dawes St, Res. 1709 8-15-46 Lot 9 and west 5.4' of Lot 10- Permit was considered by ZA to WILLIAM T. AND GERTRUDE M, KIENLE to construct an attached one-story guest quarters to an existing two-story, single- family dwelling, at 1135 Archer Street, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a reduced addition. Conditions. CUP 17900 1-21-83 Lot 30-32- AGREEMENT TO Robert Frank to construct a second story add1t1on which includes a bar sink in the laundry room. Located at 1138 Agate Street, Zone Rl-5000. AGREE #A-3722 5-27-87