Montecello Block D
MONTECELLO BLOCK D.tif MON'l'ECELLO BLOCK D le Lots 1 & 2- Permit DENIED to Rudolph 0. WinomAve. & Louise Funke to erect 2nd liv unit at 4694 Res. 5843 9-5-51 ABOVE z.c. decision sust. Res, CC103729 9-20-51 Lots 19 & 20- Agreement with Carlos. and Vivian E. Pere~to construct an attached single story addition to the rear of an existing single-family residence; addition consisting of new master bedroom, family room, bedroom, laundry room, 3/4 bath and full bath with exterior access via hallway off new master bedroom and laundry room and interior access from hallway to existing family room, located at 4630 Winona Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement ff4293 6-2-89