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Development Services

Montecello Block G

MONTECELLO BLOCK G.tif MONTECELLO BLOCK G Lots 25-26 exc the W40'- Permit to Mrs. Bille W. Sterling to operate & maintain now exist Nursing Home at 4504fWinona Ave with max of 5 patients, prov gar is vacated as liv quarters witnin 90 days and all requirements of the Bldg & Fire Depts. Res #1721 8-29-46 s of Lot 21 & all Lot 22- Permit to Luther M. & Cassie Clapper to constr 2 additional 8nits, to make total of 4 on property to be served by 8 1 611 access court at 4518 Winona Ave. Res #'2983 3-24-48 Lots 25-26 exc W 40'- Permit to Mrs Billie W. Sterling to operate & maintain an exist gar into liv quarters to accommodate an additional patient at 4504 Winona Ave. R-4. Cood'l. Res #4775 6-28-50 Lots 15-16- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Clarence N, Olson to constr 2 units,D11Bking a total of 4 units, the proposed units to be served by 8 1 access ct at 4542 Winona Ave. Zone R-4. c-1145 4-29-57