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Montecello Block K Card 1

MONTECELLO BLOCK K CARD 1.tif,--r-- I ' Block "I" Block ~xff Lots 33 to 39 C~Jo!~;d ~ 00th St,[iI ~.,i Res, 67076 j Jan 1s, 193s i Permit to John c. Applegate,4190- 38th St,to build an Auto-Court Lots 44 and 45, Chrieteneon to move l-stol'7 true etucco reeidence from 3280 l!rameon to 4444- 50\h Street. Lots 49 & 50- Pennit to Albert & Elda Gayton to const 4 units, making 5 units at 4460 50th St., R-4; 4 units to be served by B' access, cond'l Case #1108 3-25-57---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 49 & 50- Permit to Albert & Elda Gayton amended to permit only 4' of B' access court to be open to the sky (other cond. same) Case #1108 6-26-57-------------------------------Ely Lot 29, all Lot 30, Permit to Joe H & Pek Har Lett to conat 2-story office & store bld i on front of parcel 'WI. th 3 exist sing fam res on parcel, new const obs 3' access ct paral ' to alley, 4966 El Cajon Blvd betw Winona & 50th St. C zone Case 3950 3-24-61,----------------------- ---------- ----_,.