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Development Services

Montemar Ridge #3 Block 28 Card 1

MONTEMAR RIDGE #3 BLOCK 28 CARD 1.tif MONTEMAR RIOOE #3 BLOCK 28 Card #1 Lots 3-4- Permit to San Diego Theatre Corp. to erect a theatre and parking lot in the 3100 Blk on Rosevrans Res. 359 7-22-43----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 3-4- Permit to Balboa Building Co., to erect a motion picture theatre and construct parking lot in conjunction therewith at 3100 Blk Rosecrans. Cond'l. Res 658 7-6-44 Lots 3-4- Permit to Balboa Building Co. to erect an addn to be used as candy bar to Loma Theater on Rosecrans, east of]Qtton St. Res 2760 12-31-47 Lots 3-4- Permit to Balboa Building Co. to erect & operate marquee and tower at 31,0 Rosecrans Res 5845 9-13-51 Lots l-2- Permit to Caltrop Corp. to erect one 61 x 3', 9" sign 12' from the ground with overall ht of 15', 9" and to maintain one 32' free-standing sign structure with l0'x 15' sign 15' from ground, and 4 light poles approx 22' high on Sl,y side of Rosecrans St. betw. N. Evergreen and Rosecrans. c-582 7-2-56 ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 5- z.A. consid appl of Gross, Baber & Sommers, Owners and Univac Div,, Sperry Rand Corp. Lessee to erect one 53" x 28 1 sin faced, int lighted roof sign where all signs must be attach to face of the bldg, but not project above the parapet of eaves and no sign shal1 exceed 25 1 x 5' in max dimensions, and has DENIED the proposed sign to be installed on the roof, but has APPROVED the same 53" x 28' sign to be attach to the NE wall of the bldg., at 3054 Rosecrans Pl. Zone RC, Cond'l. C-7747 6-29-66