Montezuma Park
MONTEZUMA PARK.tif MONTEZUMA PARK Lot 20- Permit to Montezuna. College Park, (a partnership) to maintain 8' x 24' single-faced unlighted sign advertising houses in this subd. for a period of six mo; sign to be portable on skids, where max. 8 sq. ft. sign offering premises for sale is per., at north end of Brockbank Place, R-1 Zone. (CONDITIONAL). se 5589 4-1-63 Lot 6- Pennit to Monteauna. College Park {a uxp partnership, to use existing residence as model home and tract office, with sales office in garage; with 3' x 5' post-mounted sign observing SB; for a period of six months, at SW cor of Brockbank Place and Falls Way, R-1 Zone, (CONDITIONAL) Case 5588 4-1-63_,. Lot 37 (D.P. 381)- Permit to Robert L. and Dixie Showalter to erect 20' of retaining wall ranging in height from 3' to 61, obs at closest point a O' setback where max 3' high wall is perm in estab. 20' setback, at 5687 Yerba Anita Dr. betwn Yerba Anita Way and cu1-de-sac, Zone R-1-40. C-12,o89 N.H. 7-12-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 29- Permit to David W. & Lee Paulette Parrent to canst a IO'x29' bedrm addn to exs sfd. Addn to (1) obs 4' front yd and (2) addn to obs a 17.5 rear yd. 5347 Brockbank Place. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-14607 NH. 8-19-77.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- Agreement with Richard and Doris Billingsley to construct a second story addition over garage to include master bedroom suite with bar sink. Access directly from living room area, located at 6345 Falls way, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement /14223 3-7-89